
Conter is a site of Scottish anti-capitalist thought.  It aims to develop a radical, anti-capitalist class politics in Scotland fit to intervene into the crisis of the British state, the global order and Scottish society.


Type of Resource
Primary Author or Creator
David Jamieson
Additional Author(s) / Creators

Thinking Outwith the Box, GERS 2020-21 and the SNP conference Agenda

This week, Craig talks to SNP Policy Development Convenor Chris Hanlon and Agnes MacAuley from SNP Greenock & Inverclyde about the latest GERS figures and what they mean (and don’t mean) for Scotland, independence and the post-pandemic recovery. They then discuss up and coming motions to the SNP conference that have been influenced by or based on Common Weal policies including one for a National Transport Company designed to help decarbonise our cars and other vehicles.

Type of Resource
Date Published
Primary Author or Creator
Craig Dalzell
Additional Author(s) / Creators
Chris Hanlon, Agnes MacAuley

Beyond GERS: Scotland’s fiscal position post-independence

GERS (Government Expenditure and Revenue Scotland) 2015/16 reported Scotland’s fiscal deficit to be in the region of £14 billion per year, portraying Scotland as the country experiencing some of the most challenging financial circumstances in Europe.

However, this study must be viewed firmly in the light of Scotland being a member nation of the United Kingdom and, as such, any attempt to use them to project the finances of an independent Scotland must be treated with caution and qualification.

Type of Resource
Policy Paper
Primary Author or Creator
Craig Dalzell
Additional Author(s) / Creators
Common Weal

Revealed: The ACCOUNTING TRICK that Hides Scotland’s Wealth (2020)

The UK Government has diverted Scotland’s wealth to the UK Treasury to pay off its debts.  Thus it creates 100% of Scotland’s supposed debts and 100% of its phoney deficit. This is the impact of Westminster’s debt loading alone, and upon that accounting trick, rests the entire economic case for the Union.  Would an independent Scotland have to pay the rUK a population share of the UK’s historical debt?  No – there is in fact a very strong case for Scotland to be compensated for having already paid more than it’s “fair share” of the UK’s debt

Type of Resource
Assessment report
Primary Author or Creator
Gordon MacIntyre-Kemp
Additional Author(s) / Creators
Business for Scotland

The Barnett Formula Myth Destroyed – It does not subsidise Scotland

The Barnett Formula will withhold from Scotland, over the five years covered by the spending review, enough money to have hired approximately 7,955 additional NHS medical professionals. That is not a bonus – it’s a smoke and mirrors mechanism that aims to reduce the Scottish Government’s spending power in real terms.

Type of Resource
Assessment report
Primary Author or Creator
Gordon Macintyre-Kemp
Additional Author(s) / Creators
Business for Scotland

Towards an industrial policy for Scotland: A discussion of principles and approaches

This report proposes a mutual, sectoral model of industrial development and rejects both ‘top down planning’ and ‘free market’ approaches.

Our approach is based on the recognition that the economy is not a force ‘external’ to society, governed by its own set of abstract rules or laws. The form an economy takes is inevitably the result of political decision-making.

Democracy must therefore extend to the economic sphere to ensure that the outcomes of these political decisions are aligned with the aspirations of the people.

Type of Resource
Policy Paper
Primary Author or Creator
Iain Cairns
Additional Author(s) / Creators
Andrew Cumber,s Mike Danson, Iain Docherty, Pat Kane, Gordon Morgan, Robin McAlpine, Robert McMaster Willie Sullivan, Geoffrey Whittam

Fighting for Tax Jobs, Fighting For Justice: A Workers’ Alternative

Commissioned by PCS, this joint work examines the economic impact of HMRC’s plans to close departments around Scotland and establish two regional offices in Glasgow and Edinburgh.

It is found that over 2,300 jobs could be lost due to these changes with an overall negative impact on GDP of £89 million.

The economic impact will be particularly magnified in local areas where the current HMRC departmental office employs a substantial proportion of the local workforce

Type of Resource
consultation response
Date Published
Primary Author or Creator
Craig Dalzell
Additional Author(s) / Creators
Ben Wray, Common Weal

Common Weal analysis of GERS 2016-2017 reveals economic opportunities of independence

The Common Weal Think-tank analysis of GERS 2017 reveals the economic opportunities of Scottish independence

Modest estimates by Common Weal show that an independent Scotland could be better off to the tune of at least £7.5 billion in comparison to the figures in the GERS paper published today effectively cutting the deficit by over half.

Type of Resource
Assessment report
Date Published
Primary Author or Creator
Craig Dalzell
Additional Author(s) / Creators
Common Weal

Common Weal submission to economic data consultation

The progress of devolution has led to the Scottish Government assuming more direct control over economic policymaking in Scotland and recognition has grown that Scotland’s economy is in many ways distinct from the economies of other parts of the UK. Modern economies as a whole have grown more complex and more interconnected and ever more data driven.

Primary Author or Creator
Common Weal

Public Private Partnerships

Common Weal’s response to the Scottish Government economic data consultation calls for a Scottish Statistics Agency.

Type of Resource
consultation response
Date Published
Primary Author or Creator
Craig Dalzell

Common Weal Inverness and InverYes – Consideration of the Sustainable Growth Commission Report

A study group comprised of members from Common Weal Inverness and InverYes undertook a detailed reading of the report published by the Sustainable Growth Commission and have collated their thoughts, opinions and recommendations ahead of attending the National Assemblies.

Type of Resource
consultation response
Date Published
Primary Author or Creator
Common Weal
Additional Author(s) / Creators

An Investment-Led Economic Development Framework For An Independent Scotland

he UK’s model of economic development is based on a unproductive sectors which generate vast profits through four particular methods – financial speculation, asset value inflation, debt-fuelled consumption, and concentration and monopoly.

This report argues that Scotland, if independent, could improve its performance across 12 key pillars of its economy.

Type of Resource
Policy Paper
Date Published
Primary Author or Creator
Common Weal

Resilient Scotland Part Two

This phase of creating a resilient Scotland covers 2021-26 the five years of the next Scottish Parliament. It provides the detail of how the transformation envisaged can be achieved quickly, with a closer look at our economy, society and democracy.

Type of Resource
Policy Paper
Date Published
Primary Author or Creator
Common Weal

Resilient Scotland Part Three

The final stage of the Resilient Scotland Plan runs from 2025 with the upcoming Parliamentary session ending with Scotland becoming an independent country.  All of the work started in Part Two will continue and the work that could not start due to the limitations of devolution can now commence.  By 2045, the plan will be completely and Scotland will have been transformed into a net zero-carbon country with a resilient economy that works for All of Us.

Type of Resource
Policy Paper
Date Published
Primary Author or Creator
Common Weal

Mapping Economic Potential in North-East Glasgow

The case for asset based community development in the North-East of Glasgow through mapping derelict and vacant sites in the area and looking at how the Community Empowerment Act could be utilised.

Type of Resource
Policy Paper
Primary Author or Creator
Mhairi Love
Additional Author(s) / Creators
Common Weal, Anne McLaughlin