A Holyrood you trust or Westminster you do not? Open Minds on Independence #23

How does the Scottish Government score in the Worldwide Governance Indicators?

1: Voice and Accountability - good

2: Political Stability - good. Better than England

3:Government Effectiveness - good and more trusted than England

4: Regulatory Quality - good although an independent Scotland would need some new regulatory bodies

5: Rule of Law - good. It has a well-regarded legal sysem

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News Media
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Primary Author or Creator
The National
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Believe in Scotland

The Statistics of Devolution

Statistical collection and analysis needs to be improved in a devolved UK.  Greater detail of local and regional analysis is required for both Scotland and England.

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David Byne
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Thinking Outwith the Box, GERS 2020-21 and the SNP conference Agenda

This week, Craig talks to SNP Policy Development Convenor Chris Hanlon and Agnes MacAuley from SNP Greenock & Inverclyde about the latest GERS figures and what they mean (and don’t mean) for Scotland, independence and the post-pandemic recovery. They then discuss up and coming motions to the SNP conference that have been influenced by or based on Common Weal policies including one for a National Transport Company designed to help decarbonise our cars and other vehicles.

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Primary Author or Creator
Craig Dalzell
Additional Author(s) / Creators
Chris Hanlon, Agnes MacAuley

Claim Scots will be £2,000 worse off after independence is Unsupported

It’s not possible to predict how much money a notionally independent Scotland might be able to spend in the future, and how this might compare with the amount spent per person in the rest of the UK at that time.

The GERS figures do not show that if Scotland were to become independent, each person in Scotland would become £2,000 worse off. The figure only refers to the current difference between revenue and spending in Scotland compared to the UK.

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Fact check
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The Ferret

Preparing Scotland digitally for independence

Gordon Morgan examines the IT Systems requirements for an independent Scotland in this White Paper Project report.

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Policy Paper
Primary Author or Creator
Gordon Morgan

Towards a Defence & Security strategy for an independent Scotland

This paper is intended to provide an overview of the following aspects of a Scottish Defence & Security Strategy:

• What is meant by ‘Scottish national security’
• What threats it would be required to address
• What framework it would operate under
• How Scottish foreign policy would impact it
• What institutions would implement it

The intent of this paper is not to serve as a finalised strategy but instead to provide a basis for further discussion and development.

Type of Resource
Policy Paper
Primary Author or Creator
Garry Macdonald
Additional Author(s) / Creators
Common Weal

Public Procurement in Scotland: The case for scrutiny, accountability and transparency

Leading economist Margaret Cuthbert draws on 15 years of research on Scottish public procurement in making the case that procurement in Scotland is shrouded in secrecy and wide-ranging reforms are needed to ensure transparency and accountability.

Type of Resource
Policy Paper
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Primary Author or Creator
Margaret Cuthbert
Additional Author(s) / Creators
Common Weal

Scotland’s Data Desert: The case for a Scottish Statistics Agency

This paper lays out the case for the formation of a Scottish Statistics Agency, funded to a level comparable to nations similar to Scotland, which has the power to fill vital gaps in the gathering, analysis and provision of statistics pertaining to Scotland as well as to curate a comprehensive and transparent database of statistics for public use.

Type of Resource
Policy Paper
Primary Author or Creator
Craig Dalzell
Additional Author(s) / Creators
Common Weal

Public Private Partnerships: A formula for excess profits and failure

PFI, and other forms of public private partnership (PPP) as practised in England and Scotland, are well known to be very problematic concepts. They involve, on the one hand, extremely high rates of return for investors in many schemes – but on the other hand, an unacceptable rate of failure in other schemes.

Type of Resource
Policy Paper
Primary Author or Creator
Jim CuthbertJim Cuthbert
Additional Author(s) / Creators
Common Weal

Scotland’s Fiscal Future

Common Weal looks at Fiscal Policy and provides an alternative prospectus based on ensuring wellbeing and equality for the people of Scotland.

The quest for GDP and GDP Growth is not sustainable in a finite world and this should also be recognised by an independent Scotland. Metrics such as environmental impact, inequality and wellbeing are far more important and only by elevating them above the quest for “growth at all costs” can a truly fair and sustainable Scotland be created.

Type of Resource
Policy Paper
Date Published
Primary Author or Creator
Craig Dalzell
Additional Author(s) / Creators
Common Weal

Our Democracy Is Not For Sale

This paper looks at the vulnerabilities in the UK’s electoral process in the form of the lax regulation around digital political adverts. Such adverts can be bought cheaply and tightly micro-targeted at individual voters. The current fines levied against groups who over-spend on campaigns is low enough that not only do they provide no deterrence to overspending, the fines risk becoming actively “costed in” to campaigns mounted by well-funded yet unscrupulous organisations.

Type of Resource
Policy Paper
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Primary Author or Creator
Peter Ryan
Additional Author(s) / Creators
Common Weal

Our House is on Fire

The deal passed in the Scottish Parliament is the beginning of a quest to make clear some definitions and to lead the country away from constitutional meaninglessness, cruel political comedy and out of the deliberately constructed tragic dead end of devolution. 

Type of Resource
News Item
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Primary Author or Creator
George Gunn
Additional Author(s) / Creators
Bella Caledonia

Transparency in Public Finance – the role of good data

― There are two primary issues with data for the public and for transparency – trust and usability. The former of these is crucial.

― Making numbers have meaning for people should be the primary public-facing aim of public data. But this should also carry an additional element – regular work should be done to systematically identify what information the public wants from public data.

Type of Resource
Policy Paper
Date Published
Primary Author or Creator
Common Weal

Constitution for Scotland; an Interactive Consultation

The Constitution sets out the conditions under which the people agree to be governed. It lays down the basic principles of the State, the structures, and processes of government, defines the limits within which our politicians, at all levels, must operate and the fundamental rights of citizens in a higher law that cannot be unilaterally changed by an ordinary legislative act.

Type of Resource
Web site
Primary Author or Creator
Constitution for Scotland

A House of Citizens for the Scottish Parliament

The recent Citizens Assembly on the future of Scotland has painted a considered and compelling picture of what an improved democracy in Scotland could look like, including a proposal, supported by 83.5% if its members, to complement the elected Scottish Parliament with a permanent citizens assembly (with regular rotation of membership), i.e., to establish a House of Citizens in the Scottish Parliament.

Type of Resource
Policy Paper
Primary Author or Creator
Common Weal

Creating a Glass Wall Government

Transparency on the influences and lobbyists upon the Scottish government and MSPs needs to be strengthened.

Type of Resource
Policy Paper
Date Published
Primary Author or Creator
Common Weal, Craig Dalzell