Scotland’s National Bank – Central Banking in an independent Scotland

Previous reports determined that an independent Scotland should maintain its own currency. This report outlines how and why Scotland should form a central bank to manage that currency. The philosophy behind why a central bank is important is outlined with extensive reference to modern and historical precedents. Scotland’s central bank would be self-funded and self-sustaining once established and, indeed, should be publicly owned so as to generate a return for the Scottish Treasury.

Type of Resource
Policy Paper
Primary Author or Creator
Craig Dalzell

A Silver Chain – A Critique of the Sustainable Growth Commission’s Monetary Policy Recommendations

On the 25th May 2018, after more than 18 months of preparation, the SNP-commissioned Sustainable Growth Commission made its final report – entitled Scotland – The New Case For Optimism – which has been presented as a series of recommendations on which could rest the economic, fiscal and monetary case for Scottish independence in a future referendum campaign. This document does not cover the full gamut of policies which would be directly affected by independence nor does it cover the full range of institution building required by a nascent independent state.

Primary Author or Creator
Craig Dalzell

Scotland’s Fiscal Future

Common Weal looks at Fiscal Policy and provides an alternative prospectus based on ensuring wellbeing and equality for the people of Scotland.

The quest for GDP and GDP Growth is not sustainable in a finite world and this should also be recognised by an independent Scotland. Metrics such as environmental impact, inequality and wellbeing are far more important and only by elevating them above the quest for “growth at all costs” can a truly fair and sustainable Scotland be created.

Type of Resource
Policy Paper
Date Published
Primary Author or Creator
Craig Dalzell
Additional Author(s) / Creators
Common Weal

Paying Our Way: The Case For A Scottish Payment System

Considering only the retail sector, £80 million is removed from the Scottish economy each year in the form of transaction charges skimmed from ATM withdrawals, debit/credit card payments and other forms of transaction like Paypal and internet transfers.

Type of Resource
Policy Paper
Date Published
Primary Author or Creator
Peter Ryan
Additional Author(s) / Creators
Common Weal

An Investment-Led Economic Development Framework For An Independent Scotland

he UK’s model of economic development is based on a unproductive sectors which generate vast profits through four particular methods – financial speculation, asset value inflation, debt-fuelled consumption, and concentration and monopoly.

This report argues that Scotland, if independent, could improve its performance across 12 key pillars of its economy.

Type of Resource
Policy Paper
Date Published
Primary Author or Creator
Common Weal

Scottish Currency Options Post-Brexit

―Countries rarely have full control over all aspects of currency management simultaneously. Compromises must often be made, though different countries arrive at different solutions to those compromises.

― Setting up a new currency, if an independent Scotland chooses to do so, will involve planning but the steps involved are well understood and opportunities arise for public involvement in some of them, particularly design of new notes and coins.

Type of Resource
Policy Paper
Primary Author or Creator
Craig Dalzell
Additional Author(s) / Creators
Common Weal

ScotPound: Digital Money for the Common Good


― Immediate economy boost: We propose a 250 ScotPound (S£) dividend be given to each Scottish citizen, increasing the overall purchasing power within the economy. The injection of funds would not add to the UK deficit and we estimate the payment infrastructure of the system would be low cost – in the region of £3 million – all at a time of austerity.

Type of Resource
Policy Paper
Date Published
Primary Author or Creator
New Ecconomics Foundation
Additional Author(s) / Creators
Common Weal,

The introduction plan for the new Scottish Currency

The introduction of a new currency needs to account for customer deposits and loans and the Sterling pensions guarantee.

Type of Resource
Policy Paper
Primary Author or Creator
Tim Rideout
Additional Author(s) / Creators
Scottish Reserve Bank

Currency Tests

The Sustainable Growth Commission's tests for to establish a new currency are flawed.  A new 7-point set of tests are proposed.

Type of Resource
Policy Paper
Primary Author or Creator
Tim Rideout
Additional Author(s) / Creators
Scottish Reserve Bank