The need for an independent banking system

With independence Scotland will need to set up a banking system. is an opportunity to redesign the banking system to protect Scottish citizens from the economic fallout of a banking crisis. It is both possible and desirable for Scotland to have an independent banking system to invest in its productive capacity, and to provide financial services to local communities.

Let’s get Scotland’s banking right

Policies to get banking oriented to customer benefit rather than profit.  Pointers on how to establish and run a Scottish Central Bank.

Type of Resource
Primary Author or Creator
Common Weal


A Scottish central bank will need to be set up to oversee the creation of a new Scottish currency. It will be the competent authority providing regulatory oversight of the banking system.

Type of Resource
Policy Paper
Primary Author or Creator
Peter Ryan
Additional Author(s) / Creators
Scottish Independence Convention

Banking for the Common Good: Laying the foundations of safe, sustainable, stakeholder banking in Scotland

The report makes the case for:

Not-for-profit “People’s Banks” should be established in Scotland’s regions to offer banking services to local people and business.

Local banks would be part of a “People’s Banking Network” to share risk and cooperate on training, marketing and the operation of key services such as payments systems.

Date Published
Primary Author or Creator
Gemma Bone
Additional Author(s) / Creators
Common Weal, Ric Lander Christine Berry, Josh Ryan-Collins, Ben Wray, Fionn Travers-Smith,